Georgia CTSA Newsletter
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Georgia CTSA Weekly eRoundup
April 10, 2020
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| | | | "When we first started identifying people under investigation for COVID-19, the testing was sent to the state lab with turnaround time between 3 and 4 days. By running diagnostic tests now in-house, we've significantly reduced the turnaround time to 6–8 hours, and under 70 minutes for special populations. That's a huge gamechanger," says Dr. Paulina Rebolledo. (pictured center)
Paulina Rebolledo, MD, MSc, Assistant Professor, Emory University ... | | Read More | |
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| | | | The Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance TEAMS (Translational Education and Mentoring for Science) Program is seeking learning community mentors, one-on-one mentors and content experts to participate in the 2020-2021 academic year program. Submit Interest Form by June 1. | | Read More | |
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| | Hear from the experts and share your experiences! Join leaders from Emory School of Medicine undergraduate and graduate medical education offices for an online discussion about managing and supporting clinical trainees during this uncertain time.
April 16 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
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| | The funding priority for the seed grants from the Emory-Georgia Tech Healthcare Innovation Program will be for proposals that address issues in dealing with pandemics such as (but not limited to): coordination of public health and healthcare systems in clinical responses, diagnostic testing, provider-patient safety; improving clinical preparedness and communication; impact on healthcare system physicians, nurses, staff. | | Read More | |
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| | In light of the current COVID-19 outbreak, the dean of the Emory School of Medicine (SOM) has created a special grant cycle of the Dean’s Imagine, Innovate, and Impact (I3) Awards. This I3 Rapid RFP will specifically support the creation of data in preparation for anticipated external funding opportunities related to COVID-19. | | Read More | |
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| | The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation seeks to bring the most impactful ideas from across the globe to U.S. cities to address the intertwined issues of health, equity, and climate change. We’re seeking proposals that foster learning and stimulate action in U.S. cities around smart, effective approaches from abroad that mitigate the unequal health risks posed by climate change, specifically in city planning, policies, and programs that address: buildings and energy; land use and urban planning; transportation; waste; food systems and food security; and air quality. Full applications are due April 30. | | Read More | |
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| | Wake Forest Primate Signature Program provides access to nonhuman primates (NHPs) and related resources for studies that advance translational research. To assist new NHP researchers, the Program is providing funds for feasibility studies to be conducted using monkey-related resources. The objective is to facilitate the collection of data from NHPs in support of applications for extramural funding. Applications are open to faculty members or KL2 scholars of CTSA supported institutions. | | Read More | |
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| | A key innovation strategy is to promote interdisciplinary and cross-departmental and -divisional research. The SOM I3 Education Awards are soliciting proposals that highlight, promote, and disseminate innovations in medical education and training (degree programs and GME) that enhance the Emory SOM mission. Please note that the project start date is now listed as “TBD.” We will re-evaluate the start date when we review proposals and better understand where research stands across Emory at that time. | | Read More | |
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| | The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) announces the availability of funds to support the development and implementation of modules aimed at providing health care professionals with genomic medicine training. Topics include clinical use of genomic data, genomic tests, analysis of clinical genomic data, pharmacogenomics, use of genomic information for preventive medicine, etc. Development of training materials and/or curriculum needs to be within the scope of the parent grant. Application budgets are limited to $125,000 total costs per year. | | Read More | |
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| | Due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 crisis, Emory SOM is postponing the deadline for Bridge Funding applications to May 15, 2020. In addition, we are adding two contingencies to this round: 1) The start date for Bridge awards will be dependent on the University research ramp-up timeline and 2) Bridge funding will be contingent on the SOM budget at the time of award. | | Read More | |
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| | National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) is issuing this Notice of Special Interest to highlight the urgent need for research on the 2019 novel coronavirus and the disease it causes. NCATS is particularly interested in projects that repurpose existing drugs or biologics (existing therapeutics) that have already begun or completed a Phase I clinical trial. | | Read More | |
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| | Pfizer Global Medical Grants support patient-focused programs that help patients and providers address the heightened medical and educational needs of patients with primary immunodeficiency during this pandemic. Priority will be awarded to projects that leverage the utilization of innovative technology platforms for distant learning to reach the intended audience with a focus on patient outreach, medical support and telework. | | Read More | |
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| | AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is committed to funding research aimed at reducing the risk of premature birth and preeclampsia in order to improve the health of neonates and infants in the United States through its 2020 Prematurity and Preeclampsia Research Grants Program for a total of $250,000. Consideration will be given to basic or clinical research in maternal, fetal and neonatal/infant health. | | Read More | |
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| | The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest is to highlight the list of widely appreciated systematic barriers or translational science problems included in PAR-19-099 and PAR-19-100 to add the following topics of interest: Rural Health, Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Maternal Mortality, Applications for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Veterans' Health. | | Read More | |
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| | The Certificate Program in Translational Research (CPTR) is a formal 16-credit Emory Laney Graduate School program for trainees who seek to conduct research at the interface between basic and translational science and clinical medicine. | | Read More | |
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| | The Medical Innovation Residency Track is a 24-month program now open to both Emory and MSM participants to provide a foundation of knowledge to participate in entrepreneurship and design for innovate technologies. Upon successful participation and completion of this track, residents will be awarded a certificate of distinction in Medical Innovation from Emory University School of Medicine. | | Read More | |
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| | The new Georgia CTSA Grant Wise service offers the opportunity for one-on-one feedback from experienced senior faculty on grant writing. We are soliciting experienced faculty to serve as volunteer mentors. If you have experience in writing grants and you enjoy mentoring, we need you! After completing the online volunteer form, we will be in touch should we receive a request that matches your expertise. Contact | | Volunteer Form | |
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| | In response to new CDC guidance, the Division of Animal Resources will provide one face mask per person/week, one disposable yellow gown per person/week per room, and a storage container. This practice aligns with Emory Healthcare and aims to protect staff while conserving personal protective equipment (PPE). View the link below to learn more details on the revised PPE guidance. | | Read More | |
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| | Many Emory investigators are pursuing essential and critical research projects focused on the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have plans to collect or are currently collecting samples from COVID-19 patients, please respond with a brief description of your work and the type of sample (DNA, serum, PBMCs) you need. Providing essential platforms to support COVID-19 research is a high priority. Requests for new equipment to directly support COVID-19 research are being collected via email. Please send email to Mike Zwick at | | Read More | |
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| | CURE ID is an internet-based repository that lets the clinical community report novel uses of existing drugs for difficult-to-treat infectious diseases through a website, a smartphone or other mobile device. The platform enables the crowdsourcing of medical information from health care providers to guide potentially life-saving interventions and facilitate the development of new treatments for neglected diseases. CURE ID is a collaboration between the FDA and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). | | Read More | |
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| | We are a community of medical professionals, life scientists and data scientists on a quest to defeat COVID-19. To pitch in, join our discourse! | | Read More | |
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| | The COVID-19 HPC Consortium encompasses computing capabilities from some of the most powerful and advanced computers in the world. We hope to empower researchers around the world to accelerate understanding of the COVID-19 virus and the development of treatments and vaccines to help address infections. Consortium members manage a range of computing capabilities that span from small clusters to some of the very largest supercomputers in the world. Learn more about how to request access to resources of the COVID-19 HPC Consortium. | | Read More | |
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| | Georgia CTSA is now offering Virtual Studios to meet your research brainstorming needs. Our on-site presence has temporarily changed, but our desire to help you plan and collaborate regarding existing and potential research has not paused. Examples of areas where we have served past customers with expert brainstorming include locating collaborators and resources, hypothesis generation, study design, implementation, analysis and interpretation, translation and manuscript development of research topics. Contact the Georgia CTSA Coordinating Center by emailing Karen Lindsley at or Submit a Request for a Studio Consultation. | | Submit a Request | |
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| | Allocating Credit: Who Gets the Credit? (PDF) | | Read More | |
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| | Georgia Tech CREATE-X, Coulter Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, and Emory Global Health Initiatives are partnering to host a virtual "hackathon" with students from both schools to pursue solutions to challenging problems sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative will have teams of at least one GT and one Emory student per team to develop a solution to the problem. The winners will receive the opportunity to move the solution forward through CREATE-X Startup Launch Accelerator. We are interested to learn about problems currently being experienced, problems that may be due to a surge of patients, or broader problems the general public may face as we approach the tail of the pandemic. For this survey, identifying the problem is more important than proposing a solution. Questions? Contact: | | Learn More | |
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| | Registration is now open for the SBIR Road Tour stopping at UGA in Athens, GA. National outreach effort connecting entrepreneurs working on advanced technologies to the country’s largest source of early stage funding – the SBIR/STTR programs. Opportunity for small businesses, innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs and technology companies to connect directly with SBIR/STTR program managers representing more than a dozen different federal agencies. SBIR/STTR programs provide over $3.7 billion in funding to small businesses each year in a wide variety of technology areas. | | Read More & Register | |
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|  | | The Georgia CTSA recently partnered with the All of Us Research Program. All of Us is a health research program funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Its goal is to help researchers better understand why people get sick or stay healthy. The mission of the All of Us Research Program is simple: to speed up health research and medical breakthroughs. To do this, All of Us is asking one million people from across the U.S. to share their health ... | | Read More | |
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| | Given our current situation with COVID-19, April and May K-Club meetings are postponed. Since K-Club does not meet during the summer months, the next topics will be presented in the fall semester. In the interim, we encourage you to watch the webinar on your own so that you can get a sense of what is covered in preparation for doing a deep dive into each of these topics via a facilitated panel discussion this fall. Also, you can review recordings and slides from our past K-Clubs at | | Watch | |
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| | Join us through Zoom from 1pm- 2pm for a Division of Animal Resources operations update. | | Read More | |
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| | Hear from the experts and share your experiences from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.! Join leaders from Emory School of Medicine undergraduate and graduate medical education offices for an online discussion about managing and supporting clinical trainees during this uncertain time.
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| | As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, it’s critically important that researchers, who are learning about the virus and pursuing science-based solutions to the global coronavirus pandemic, can find the funding they need. Join the GrantForward Webinar for Researchers at 2:00 PM CT.This webinar will focus on how to find COVID-19/Coronavirus related funding opportunities on GrantForward. | | Read More | |
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| | Interested in administrative data sets (e.g., PHIS, claims)? Come learn strategies to prevent your projects from PHISzling out! Join us through Zoom from 12 pm- 1 pm. | | Read More | |
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| | Join Emory Comprehensive Glycomics Core at 11:00 AM as Dr. Denes Agoston discusses Reverse Phase Protein Arrays (RPPA), which have been successfully used in various aspects of neurology research. RPPA is a robust, sensitive, and high throughput analytical platform that can be adapted to many other fields of biomedical research. This presentation will discuss the advantages and challenges of using RPPA technology. | | Read More | |
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| | Join this free webinar from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. to learn the pros and cons of different commercialization strategies to help determine the best fit for your technology. Our panel discussion format will allow you to ask questions and receive feedback to better understand complex go-to-market strategies. Please note all talks for the remainder of this series will be hosted via webinar. | | Register | |
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| | Georgia CTSA is proud to announce it is a Silver Sponsor of this year's conference at the Georgia Aquarium! Registration is open now. Georgia CTSA Innovation Catalyst Director Wilbur Lam, MD, PhD, is this year's co-chair. CME is also offered. | | Read More | |
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| | Come join us for this annual symposium event showcasing local basic and clinical research conducted by our fellows and junior faculty conducting pediatric research on Tuesday, August 4 at the Health Sciences Research Building Auditorium and Café. | | Read More | |
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| For more information on Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance (Georgia CTSA), please visit Do you have news, seminars, or events of interest to clinical and translational researchers? Send them to by noon on Thursday. To suggest subscribers or unsubscribe to the listserv please email
Please include the following citation in any publications resulting from direct or indirect Georgia CTSA support, "Supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UL1TR002378. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health." KL2 Scholars should also list KL2TR002381 and TL1 Trainees should also list TL1TR002382. |
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