Georgia CTSA Newsletter
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Georgia CTSA Weekly eRoundup
October 2, 2020
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| | | | On Researcher Appreciation Day, Emory SOM recognized faculty researchers nominated by peers for their groundbreaking research, development of new technologies, and continued pursuit of novel and innovative ideas. Congratulations to Georgia CTSA KL2, TL1, and MSCR featured researchers including Sara Auld, Annette Esper, Jennifer Felger, Rachel Patzer, Vinita Singh, Aaron Trammell, Chia-shi Wang, and Aliza Wingo. | | Read More | |
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| | | | The Emory-Georgia Tech Healthcare Innovation Program, with partners including Georgia CTSA, announce seed grants addressing issues in dealing with pandemics such as coordination of public health & healthcare systems in clinical responses, diagnostic testing, provider-patient safety; improving clinical preparedness & communication; impact on healthcare system physicians, nurses, staff. Grants will fund multi-investigator, multi-disciplinary teams. | | Read More | |
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| | is a website registering human clinical studies. It provides research patients, families, researchers and the public access to information regarding federally and privately funded clinical studies. Sponsors and PIs are required to accurately report study information. With Investigator-initiated trials, the responsibility often falls to the PI. Updates such as start date, recruitment status and completion date are required within 30 calendar days of a change in status. Significant penalties are leveled for failing to report or falsifying information. Seek guidance from your Office of Clinical Research. For detailed instructions on registering a trial, visit the clinical trials website. | | Read More | |
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| | This page contains a listing of active and expired funding opportunities specific to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). | | Read More | |
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| | The Blavatnik National Awards seek to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding scientists and engineers (42 years of age and younger) in the United States working in three disciplinary categories: Life Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engineering, and Chemistry. Each disciplinary category will receive $250,000 in unrestricted funds, and additional nominees will be recognized as Finalists. | | Read More | |
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| | NCATS will host a pre-application webinar on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. for RFA-TR-20-030, Multi-disciplinary Machine-assisted, Genomic Analysis and Clinical Approaches to Shortening the Rare Diseases Diagnostic Odyssey. NCATS staff involved in this FOA will provide orientation and technical assistance to potential applicants to the above-referenced FOA by explaining the goals and objectives for the FOA and answer questions from webinar attendees. Potential applicants are encouraged to submit their questions by October 2 to Alice Chen Grady ( | | Read More | |
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| | We are soliciting research proposals in health services research focused on the collaborative efforts by Emory Healthcare and Kaiser Permanente Georgia in addressing impact of COVID-19. Proposals must demonstrate immediacy and feasibility to execute in less than one year and have strong potential for external funding for a collaborative proposal. Areas for proposals include healthcare quality, access, safety, outcomes, and resource stewardship. | | Read More | |
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| | NCATS will host a pre-application webinar on Thursday, October 15, 2020, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET for RFA-TR-20-031 and RFA-TR-20-032, Basket Clinical Trials of Drugs Targeting Shared Molecular Etiologies in Multiple Rare Diseases. NCATS staff involved in these FOAs will provide orientation and technical assistance to potential applicants to the above-referenced FOAs by explaining the goals and objectives for the FOAs and answer questions from webinar attendees. Potential applicants are encouraged to submit their questions to by October 12. | | Read More | |
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| | The Moore Inventor Fellows program is designed to identify outstanding early-stage inventors who harness science and technology solutions to enhance scientific research, strengthen environmental conservation, or improve the experience and outcomes of patient care. Funding is open to faculty, research scientists, postdocs and other full-time staff. | | Read More | |
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| | The John Templeton Foundation seeks to identify and fund the development of novel theoretical, philosophical, or scientific concepts useful for advancing the study of goal-directed, goal-seeking, or goal-suited phenomena in nature. Open to researchers who hold a doctoral-level degree or equivalent at the time of application. Potential applicants are encouraged to explore nine strands of research: agency, commonalities, development, life, macroevolution, matter, mechanisms, models and organization. | | Read More | |
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| | The Emory-Georgia Tech Healthcare Innovation Program, with partners including Georgia CTSA, announce seed grants addressing issues in dealing with pandemics such as coordination of public health & healthcare systems in clinical responses, diagnostic testing, provider-patient safety; improving clinical preparedness & communication; impact on healthcare system physicians, nurses, staff. Grants will fund multi-investigator, multi-disciplinary teams. Faculty from any Georgia CTSA partner institution may apply; however, the PI must be from Emory or Georgia Tech. | | Read More | |
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| | The Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholars program will support individual scientists of exceptional creativity who have an MD or PhD degree and have completed a minimum of three years of a post-doctoral fellowship by July 1, 2021 in the field of neurosciences and hold a post-doctoral research position at a United States medical school, research institute or academic hospital. The medical school, research institute or academic hospital appointing the scholar will be awarded $200,000 annually for two years to cover their salary, lab costs, and related expenses. | | Read More | |
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| | The HERCULES Exposome Research Center will fund six pilot awards at $30,000 (direct costs) each. Awards of up to $40,000 (direct costs) will be considered in exceptional circumstances. Projects that utilize a HERCULES Core (Environmental Health Data Sciences, Targeted Exposure Analysis, Metabolomics, Clinical/Population Research Services, Community Engagement) and community-engaged research projects are particularly encouraged. Awards are open to all investigators at Emory and the Emory-Georgia Tech Department of Biomedical Engineering who are eligible to serve as Principal Investigators on NIH R-level grant applications. Faculty in other Georgia Tech departments are eligible to apply with an Emory faculty collaborator. Winship awards must include at least one Winship investigator. | | Read More | |
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| | For early- and mid-career researchers in collaboration with the Economic Mobility and Opportunity program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Priority is given to research that improves our understanding of the severe consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, including its economic disruptions, and the mass protests to combat systemic racism and racial inequality in policing and other institutions. Tenure-track assistant professors can apply for grants of up to $30,000. Associate professors who have been in the rank for less than seven years can apply for grants of up to $50,000. | | Read More | |
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| | In partnership with the Georgia CTSA, Emory SOM is soliciting proposals with the potential to make a transformational impact in either fundamental biomedical knowledge or translational impact. If successful, the project will provide new ways of thinking about a problem. Particularly creative ideas, even without preliminary data, will be considered provided feasibility is demonstrated. Collaborations are strongly encouraged but not required. Preference given to outside-the-box ideas. Awards will be made in $25,000 increments, up to $250,000 in total direct costs. | | Read More | |
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| | This FOA invites researchers to submit applications for multidisciplinary diagnostic strategies for rare diseases that combine machine-assistance, genomic analysis, and clinical consultation. | | Read More | |
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| | The purpose of this FOA is to support basket clinical trials of drugs targeting shared molecular etiologies in more than one rare disease. | | Read More | |
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| | The purpose of this FOA is to support basket clinical trials of drugs targeting shared molecular etiologies in more than one rare disease. To facilitate clinical trial start up, and leverage existing datasets, preference will be given to applications focusing on diseases that are under study by the Rare Disease Clinical Research Network (RDCRN), and that involve collaborations with RDCRN clinical investigators. | | Read More | |
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| | The Doris Duke Clinical Scientist Development Award provides grants to early-career physician scientists to facilitate their transition to independent clinical research careers. The purpose of the Doris Duke Clinical Scientist Development Award (CSDA) is to provide support to physician scientists at the Assistant Professor rank to:1) conduct an outstanding clinical research project, 2) enable research time protection to ease the tension between research and clinical responsibilities, and 3) facilitate development of strong mentorship relations. Award is up to $495,000 total over three years. Applicants from groups underrepresented in biomedical research are encouraged to apply. | | Read More | |
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| | Since tomorrow's medical breakthroughs will be made by investigators starting in their research careers today, the LRPs represent an important investment by NIH in the future of health discovery and the wellbeing of the Nation. Awardees can receive up to $100,000 of qualified educational debt repayment with a two-year contract. Extramural New & Renewal Awards Online Application Period: Sep. 1, 2020 - Nov. 20, 2020. | | Read More | |
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| | The goal of the MP3 Initiative is to facilitate and grow basic and applied infectious disease research across scales at Emory, from molecules and pathogens within hosts to populations and pandemics. The main way in which the initiative will accomplish this is to provide sizable seed grants to interdisciplinary teams of researchers, to provide proof-of-concept and preliminary results for subsequent applications for research grants, program grants, center grants and training grants. An explicit requirement of funding through this program is the subsequent submission of extramural grants. Seed grants are only awarded to teams of researchers from different schools at Emory. Partnerships with CDC and Carter Center are strongly encouraged. | | Read More | |
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| | This initiative is designed to stimulate both creative individual scientists and multi-investigator teams to approach healthy and adverse pregnancy outcomes using creative basic and translation science methods. Proposals should address the biomedical causes and molecular mechanisms underlying adverse pregnancies and their outcomes. | | Read More | |
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| | The Foundation established a program designed to recruit outstanding physicians into cancer research careers. They provide them with this opportunity for a protected research training experience under the mentorship of a highly qualified and gifted mentor, after they have completed all of their clinical training. Physician-scientist applicants (MDs and DOs only) must have completed their residencies and clinical training, be U.S. Specialty Board eligible prior to the award start date, and be able to devote at least 80% of their time and effort to Damon Runyon-supported research. MD/PhDs are not eligible to apply. Applicants cannot be pursuing a PhD. The award amount is $460,000 plus medical school debt repayment up to $100,000. | | Read More | |
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| | The Woodruff Health Sciences Center (WHSC) announces the launch of the WHSC COVID-19 CENTER for URGENT RESEARCH ENGAGEMENT (COVID-19 CURE) and Awards Program, made possible by generous philanthropic support from the O. Wayne Rollins Foundation and the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. The CURE Center was created to facilitate high-impact science and discovery towards improved COVID-19 treatment and prevention research. The funds can be used to support new COVID-19 focused researchers, equipment/instrumentation, technical support, pilots and enhancing facilities for this work. In addition, COVID-19 CURE will act as a hub, facilitating and helping to prioritize Emory COVID-19 research activities. | | Read More | |
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| | The purpose of this FOA is to support intramural-extramural collaborations on late-stage translational science projects between NCATS Therapeutic Development Branch (TDB) and extramural researchers, for therapeutic development of small molecules, biologics, or gene therapies. | | Read More | |
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| | Georgia CTSA and the University of Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute (SC CTSI) are collaborating on an exciting new educational venture geared toward clinical research professionals at every stage of their professional development. We have created a new Online Course Catalog with free course and program offerings available to clinical research professionals. Participants earn a certificate or badge with contact hours (continuing education – CE) from an accredited provider upon completion of a course or a program (series of courses). Contact hours can be used to meet requirements for CRP certification renewal. Free, one-time registration to the Georgia CTSA Online Course Catalog is available to the first 400 registrants. | | Read More | |
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| | Calling all dietitians and health professionals in the field of inherited metabolic disorders, this free online course is eligible for up to four (4) CE credit hours. | | Read More | |
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| | Are you a postdoc, fellow, or graduate, medical, or professional student who wants to build a career in global health research? A year of research training in a low- or middle-income country (LMIC) can be foundational for such a career. The application portal is open for the Vanderbilt-Emory-Cornell-Duke (VECD) Fogarty Global Health Fellowship 2021-2021 cohort. This outstanding program offers a year-abroad opportunity for US and LMIC postdocs and doctoral students to develop research skills in a global health research setting. | | Read More | |
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| | The new Georgia CTSA Grant Wise service offers the opportunity for one-on-one feedback from experienced senior faculty on grant writing. We are soliciting experienced faculty to serve as volunteer mentors. If you have experience in writing grants and you enjoy mentoring, we need you! After completing the online volunteer form, we will be in touch should we receive a request that matches your expertise. Contact | | Volunteer Form | |
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| | The Georgia CTSA Recruitment Center now offers research investigators targeted Facebook advertising services. Social media advertisements allow researchers to segment populations by age, gender, location, and interests to optimize delivery of advertisements. These ads can be used to drive traffic to study websites, surveys, or to increase public awareness. To learn more about adding this and other strategies to your recruitment efforts, please reach out to our team. | | Read More | |
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| | Researchers studying COVID-19 now are able to access an innovative new analytics platform that contains clinical data from the electronic health records of people who were tested for the novel coronavirus or who have had related symptoms. Part of the NCATS National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Data Enclave, the centralized and secure data platform features powerful analytics capabilities for online discovery, visualization and collaboration. | | Read More | |
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| | Accepting applications for its 3rd Annual Planning for Success (PfS) NIH R-level Grant Writing Fellowship. The Fellowship will be held online and is open to faculty from all schools affiliated with an NIH-funded CFAR. Applicants from HBCUs and HSIs are particularly encouraged to apply. This 9-month fellowship is designed to help investigators who have not yet successfully competed for an NIH R-level grant (e.g. R01, R03, R21, R34) in HIV and are building careers in HIV-related clinical, social/behavioral, virological, or immunological research. | | Read More | |
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| | The Presidents’ Award of Distinction for Team Science, conferred by the Presidents of the academic institutions of the Georgia CTSA, recognizes and promotes excellence in multi-disciplinary research teams within the Georgia CTSA. This award will be presented to an outstanding multi-disciplinary research team in recognition of its innovative and impactful research that has, or will likely, advance clinical and translational science and positively impact human health. The recipient of the Presidents' Award of Distinction for Team Science will receive $5,000 towards their team science research program. Teams will be recognized at the Southeast Regional Clinical and Translational Conference, March 4 - 5, 2021. | | Read More | |
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| | The Team Science Award of Distinction for Early Stage Research Teams recognizes and promotes excellence in developing multi-disciplinary research teams within the Georgia CTSA. This award will be presented to a developing (i.e., early stage) multi-disciplinary research team that demonstrates great potential for innovative and impactful advances in clinical and translational science. The recipient of the Team Science Award of Distinction for Early Stage Research Teams will receive $2,500 towards their team science research program. Teams will be recognized at the Southeast Regional Clinical and Translational Science Conference, March 4 - 5, 2021. | | Read More | |
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| | CURE ID is an internet-based repository that lets the clinical community report novel uses of existing drugs for difficult-to-treat infectious diseases through a website, a smartphone or other mobile device. The platform enables the crowdsourcing of medical information from health care providers to guide potentially life-saving interventions and facilitate the development of new treatments for neglected diseases. CURE ID is a collaboration between the FDA and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). | | Read More | |
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| | The statistics research group directed by ISyE associate professor Yajun Mei, offers free online consulting for data-analysis questions in the domain of bio-related initiatives every Monday from 10:30am to 11:30am. Connect via BlueJeans video conferencing. | | Connect Via BlueJeans | |
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| | Dr. Kevin Dobbin, UGA co-Director for the Georgia CTSA Biostatistics, Epidemiology, & Research Design (BERD) Program, is offering a free internet-based statistical consulting clinic for UGA clinical and translational researchers (faculty, graduate students, post-docs) every Tuesday from 11am - noon. The virtual stat clinic is via Zoom video conferencing, and users must have UGA login credentials to access. | | Request Meeting Link | |
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| | Free weekly online statistical consulting clinic for Morehouse School of Medicine faculty, staff, and students from 10:00 a.m.-noon. | | Read More | |
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| | Georgia CTSA is now offering Virtual Studios to meet your research brainstorming needs. Our on-site presence has temporarily changed, but our desire to help you plan and collaborate regarding existing and potential research has not paused. Examples of areas where we have served past customers with expert brainstorming include locating collaborators and resources, hypothesis generation, study design, implementation, analysis and interpretation, translation and manuscript development of research topics. Contact the Georgia CTSA Coordinating Center by emailing Karen Lindsley at or Submit a Request for a Studio Consultation. | | Submit a Request | |
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| | Data Interpretation and Management: Praying Over the Experiment (PDF) | | Read More | |
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| | Join us from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM with guest speaker, Kirk Barnes, President of TransPharMed. He will lead an interactive discussion on how to identify qualified business partners and CEO’s within your network. Learn tips for physicians and scientists to find and recruit qualified candidates to help launch their business. This is the second session in the 2020 Bench2Market Talks series which was created to provide commercialization guidance to the university research community. | | Sign Up Today! | |
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| | The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority’s (BARDA) largest annual event will be held virtually this October. BARDA Industry Day is a free conference that provides an opportunity for attendees to learn about medical countermeasure priorities, interact with BARDA and ASPR teams, and network with industry partners both public and private. | | Read More | |
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| | The Bio Innovation Summit Program Committee invites all entrepreneurs and innovative scientists who want to share their innovations with leaders, investors, entrepreneurs and strategic partners attending the Summit. Companies in agriculture, bioenergy, biotech, diagnostics, digital health, healthcare, medical devices, pharmaceutical and other related industries are encouraged to apply and demonstrate the vibrancy of life science innovation in Georgia. Each category has specific criteria to qualify and you can apply to more than one category.
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| | Adults 18 and older, from all races and ethnicities, are needed to participate in COVID-19 trials. Please spread the word to help recruit minorities, especially for vaccine trials. Register at Or contact Hope Clinic (Decatur), 404-712-1371; Emory Children’s Center (main campus), 404-727-4044; or Ponce CRS (Downtown/Grady), 770-286-3327. | | Register | |
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| | Each week the Morehouse School of Medicine, Prevention Research Center will go live from 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM with leaders in health, to discuss the topics which matter most to your family and to our communities. The 30-minute sessions will be interactive and fun for the family. | | Read More | |
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| | Join us via Zoom from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM to learn more about Systems-Level Analyses of the Immune System in Children from Associate Professor, Petter Brodin MD, PhD. | | Read More | |
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| | Join AiR (Advances in Research) via Zoom from 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM to learn more about “How are our brain tumor survivors doing? How do we know? with Associate Professor Lisa Ingerski, PhD and "Chronic Sickle Cell Pain: Changes in Pain, Psychosocial Functioning, and Patient and Family Experiences Over Time” with Associate Professor Soumitri Sil, PhD. | | Read More | |
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| | We welcome international stakeholders across the research ecosystem to contribute to the development of research and best practice. The 2020 virtual program will cover advance conversations on research policy, evaluation, portfolio management, funding, dissemination, and impact. Emory Postdocs and graduate students can contact Jeremy Kupsco ( for a discounted $25 registration fee. | | Read More | |
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| | The virtual program from 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM includes oral and poster presentations, as well as a keynote address “Hemolytic anemia as a mechanism for vasculopathy and pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell disease and other hemolytic conditions” from Mark Gladwin, MD, chair of DOM and director of the Vascular Medicine Institute at the University of Pittsburgh. Awards are given at the conclusion of the day to recognize the most outstanding presentations. The registration deadline is Friday, October 9. | | Read More | |
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| | The Georgia CTSA 2020-2021 Team Science Skill Series offers a monthly workshop from September to May. Join us via Zoom from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM to learn how to describe the factors to consider when forming and developing a team, understand the role that temporal factors occupy in team development, and apply evidence-based principles to successfully assist teams in developing and maintaining effective team process, states, and performance. | | Register and View Series Schedule | |
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| | Calling all Emory faculty, postdocs and SOM students and staff! Join us via Zoom from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM with Assistant Professor Sheree Boulet, DrPH, MPH to learn more about “An integrated population health research agenda for addressing disparities in maternal morbidity and mortality.” | | Register | |
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| | Join researchers and clinicians from across the Georgia CTSA for a session on COVID-19 and Health Equity from 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM via Zoom. Share your experience, learn from others, enjoy opportunities for interdisciplinary networking and find potential collaborators! | | Read More | |
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| | The Workgroup on Interactive Systems in Health (WISH) brings together industry and academic researchers in health informatics, human-computer interaction, mobile health, and other disciplines to foster cross-disciplinary research that will drive future innovations in health care and health promotion. We invite submissions that examine how technology has been, and can be, used to promote wellbeing in marginalized and vulnerable populations, such as those who experience increased barriers to health and wellness and disproportionate burdens of poor health. The virtual symposium will take place as part of AMIA 2020. | | Read More | |
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| | Join us from 8:00 AM -12:45 PM via Zoom! In 2015, the NIH released a mandate requiring consideration of sex in all human subject and vertebrate animal research studies that utilize study subjects and/or materials (blood, tissues, cell lines) from them in order to strengthen research leading to the development, design, and testing of preventive and therapeutic interventions for both men and women. | | Read More | |
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| | Hosted by the Georgia CTSA, mark your calendar and plan to virtually join us in 2021 as we bring together researchers from across the region to present the best new clinical and translational research and build collaborative partnerships. Clinical and/or translational researchers working across the southeast are invited to submit an abstract. All selected abstracts will be presented in a virtual format. | | Read More | |
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| For more information on Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance (Georgia CTSA), please visit Do you have news, seminars, or events of interest to clinical and translational researchers? Send them to by noon on Thursday. To suggest subscribers or unsubscribe to the listserv please email
Please include the following citation in any publications resulting from direct or indirect Georgia CTSA support, "Supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UL1TR002378. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health." KL2 Scholars should also list KL2TR002381 and TL1 Trainees should also list TL1TR002382. |
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