Emory i2b2 Update

Georgia CTSA has updated Emory i2b2 to version 1.7.08a. Emory I2b2 is a study feasibility assessment tool that lets you quickly determine how many Emory Healthcare patients might be eligible for your planned study, and how different inclusion and exclusion criteria affect the number of eligible patients. This update includes the following changes:
- A New Query Report Panel contains a user-friendly presentation of the results of a query including any demographics breakdowns that you selected when you ran the query.
- The Print Query Button has moved to the Query Report Panel in the upper-right corner of the panel.
- Click the stacked squares icon next to any tab to expand the tab vertically. Click it again to restore the tab to its original size. This is particularly useful for the new Query Report Panel.
- 4Performance enhancements and bug fixes
Emory I2b2 is available free-of-charge to all Emory faculty, staff, and students at (must be on campus or connected to the Emory VPN).