Clinical Trial Challenges: Lessons Learned from the NIH Collaboratory Biostatistics & Design Core-September 28

Andrea Cook, PhD
*** Registration closing soon; only three waiting list spots available. The Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance’s Biostatistics, Epidemiology, & Research Design (BERD) program hosts the research forum at Morehouse School of Medicine from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Keynote speaker, Andrea Cook, PhD, University of Washington School of Public Health, will present. This forum focuses on advances and challenges in pragmatic clinical trials and seeks to facilitate new collaborations on the methodology or application of pragmatic trials.
There is no cost to attend the forum, but registration is required and limited. If you are from a Georgia CTSA academic institution (Emory, MSM, Georgia Tech, and UGA), please use the promo code COOK18 to secure your registration.