Join the 10,000 Women Project Interest Session-March 1

In collaboration with Georgia CTSA, the 10,000 Women Project seeks to screen 10,000 African American Women in Georgia for hypertension & cardiovascular (CVD) risk factors, follow each participant to see if their CVD risk factors and health behavior(s) change over the course of six months, and collect data to evaluate results on CVD risks of African American women after a community screening event.
The special interest session will be held at 3:00 p.m., immediately following the Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Conference, in Bayberry 3 & 4 at Callaway Resort and Gardens. Please join Gina Lundberg, MD, Puja Mehta, MD, and Bob Taylor, MD, PhD of the Emory Division of Cardiology to discuss how you and your organization can participate in this project.
Please contact Tess Hamilton to RSVP.