New Georgia CTSA Clinical Research Centers (GCRCs) Fee Schedule

Georgia CTSA Clinical Research Centers updated its fee schedule with new rates beginning July 1, 2019. As required by the NIH, service centers review fee schedules every two years. The new GCRCs 2019 fee schedule reflects a change in format. A new "bundled/tiered" pricing structure is now offered. This format streamlines budgeting and billing. The fee schedule is bundled into levels based on the complexity of the visit. Each level has a defined scope of services.
GCRCs administrative staff and program directors are also available to offer project assistance. They encourage researchers who are planning to use these services to contact GCRCs prior to submitting grant proposals, industry contracts, etc. to ensure these costs are appropriately included in the budget.
Contact Debora Clem at 404-712-1993 with any questions.