Emory SOM I3 Venture and Education Awards

Congratulations to the Grant Recipients of the Emory School of Medicine’s Dean’s Imagine, Innovate and Impact (I3) Venture Awards and Education Awards. The I3 Venture Research Awards aim to cultivate inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs driven to solve medicine’s challenges and create patient impact. The I3 Education Awards highlight, promote and disseminate innovations in medical education and training that enhance the Emory SOM mission.
Seven new Venture awards, totaling $140,000 were awarded to teams led by the following investigators:
- Michael Burke (Medicine) and Jack L. Arbiser (Dermatology): Targeting Cardiac Fibrosis as a Novel Therapeutic Strategy for Heart Failure
- Carlos S. Moreno (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine): ResonanceDx Renin POC Test
- Matthew S. Parsons (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine) and Deanna A. Kulpa (Pediatrics): Development of a novel multiplex HIV quantum dot based nanosensor,
- Matthew S. Parsons (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine) and Cynthia A. Derdeyn (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine): Development of Novel SARS-CoV-2 Nanozyme-based Immunoassay
- Jeff Sands (Medicine) and Janet D. Klein (Medicine): Novel AMPK activators for treatment of lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
- Stephen Traynelis (Pharmacology and Chemical Biology) and Dennis Liotta (Chemistry): Prodrugs to improve therapeutic potential of cannabidiol (CBD)
- Maxwell Weinmann (Medicine), Jon Sevransky (Medicine), and Roberta Kaplow (EUH): Trans Thoracic Manipulation of Ventilation/Perfusion: the V/Q Vest
Four new Education awards, totaling $52,500 were awarded to teams led by the following investigators:
- Rani H. Singh (Human Genetics) and Teresa Douglas (Human Genetics): Professional Education and Information Sharing in Nutritional Care for Rare Metabolic Diseases through the ECHO Model Using an Online Collaborative Learning Platform
- Jennifer O. Spicer (Medicine): Incorporating Team-Based Learning and Evidence-Based Active Learning Principles into Pre-Clinical Medical Education
- Sara Turbow (Medicine), Rebecca Goldstein (SOM), and Samir Sarda (PCOM): Transforming Interprofessional Education through Student Hotspotting: A Novel Population Health Approach to Address Social Determinants of Health Among High-Need, High-Cost Patients at Grady Health System
- Ali John Zarrabi (Family and Preventive Medicine): Establishing a Museum-Based Education Initiative at Emory School of Medicine