MSM Clinical Interaction Site: Available to all ACTSI Investigators

The Clinical Research Center (CRC) at Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) was established in 1996 in order to provide the infrastructure necessary for faculty to conduct clinical research. The CRC is a hospital-based ACTSI Clinical Interaction Site and is the first free-standing outpatient research facility of its kind in the nation to receive accreditation by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. The center has been successful in developing a clinical research infrastructure that is uniquely suited to the pursuit of clinical and translational research in minority and underrepresented communities. The center provides comprehensive support for clinical investigation with its various core resources and facilities. These resources include a noninvasive cardiovascular and hemodynamic core laboratory, fully equipped private examination rooms, analytical and protein profiling laboratory, a biostatistical and data management core, a nursing core, a recruitment/retention core responsible for all study participant enrollment activities, a novel community physician's network, and a new bionutrition core. The unit provides the resources necessary for clinical research at MSM. For more information please click here. To learn how to submit a protocol click here.