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| |  |  ACTSI Weekly eRoundup
March 11, 2016
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| | | | The Atlanta Clinical & Translational Science Institute (ACTSI) proudly announces, Andrés J. García, PhD, as the new ACTSI co-PI for Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). Dr. Garcia replaces Ravi Bellamkonda, PhD, chair of the joint Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, who will leave Georgia Tech and ACTSI this summer to become Dean of the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University. Bellamkonda is recognized ... | | Read More | |
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| | | | Team Wobble developed a dynamic balance testing device to improve concussion recovery assessments for athletes. Through ACTSI's support the team was able to develop an impressive functioning prototype, which they will showcase live on TV on channel GPB from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Also, be sure to vote for Wobble for the People's Choice Award! | | Read More | |
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| | Supports basic research with novel and innovative hypotheses in any area relevant to the etiology or pathophysiology of diabetes and its complications that holds significant promise for advancing the prevention, cure or treatment of diabetes. | | Read More | |
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| | The DDRCCs are part of an integrated program of digestive and liver diseases research support provided by the NIDDK. The purpose of this program is to bring together basic and clinical investigators as a means to enhance communication, collaboration, and effectiveness of ongoing research related to digestive and/or liver diseases. DDRCCs are based on the core concept, whereby shared resources aimed at fostering productivity, synergy, and new research ideas among the funded investigators are supported in a cost-effective manner. | | Read More | |
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| | Know an excellent early-career scientist? Applications are open for the $30,000 Science & SciLifeLab prize. | | Read More | |
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| | | | Applications are being accepted for the Master of Science in Clinical Research (MSCR) degree program in the Emory Laney Graduate School for classes beginning in August 2016. The MSCR provides didactic and mentored clinical and/or translational research training and is designed for participants who hold a doctorate or equivalent degree (such as physicians and PhD-level scientists) and have demonstrated a commitment to a career in clinical investigation ... | | Read More | |
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| | The 2016 competition asks medical students, interns, residents, fellows, doctoral students, and others to write on the topic, "Which fundamental discoveries in basic medical research have not been clinically explored and translated into better human health?" First prize is $10,000 and a trip to New York to meet the 2016 Lasker Award winners. | | Read More | |
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| | The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) announced an RFP for up to eight institutions. The AAMC is one of 21 interprofessional healthcare and education organizations partnering with the ACGME in this four-year effort. | | Read More | |
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| | The over-arching goal of this program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research workforce. To accomplish the goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development, Research Experiences, and Curriculum or Methods Development. | | Read More | |
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| | CPTR is a multidisciplinary, innovative program that provides pre-doctoral or postdoctoral trainees with the expertise and experience to translate fundamental biomedical scientific discoveries into treatments that will benefit human health. Sixteen credits of didactic training focused on translational research in Emory’s Laney Graduate School of Emory University are required to complete the certificate program. Emory faculty and postdocs may ... | | Read More | |
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| | Animal Use: A Conscientious Objection | | Read More | |
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| | | | If you have a research ethics question or are pondering a research ethics dilemma, John Banja, Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, Emory, and Rebecca Pentz, Professor of Research Ethics in Hematology and Oncology, Winship, are available to confidentially discuss it and offer non-binding advice. Please call or email John at 404-712-4804/ or call or text Becky at 404-831-1758. | | Read More | |
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| | This network will serve as a forum for attorneys and regulatory professionals from biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device, medical instrumentation, and healthcare IT companies to share and utilize their knowledge and resources to help drive success and create value for Georgia¿s life sciences industry. | | Join By Monday | |
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| | Has your child either been diagnosed with ADHD or displayed ADHD-like symptoms? If so, it is not surprising because something that's going to affect the brain and cause one developmental outcome may also cause a second developmental outcome. In Dr. Bonnie Cohen-Greenberg¿s presentation she will offer a brief overview of ways of helping your child with the practical activities of daily life in an organized, goal-oriented, and timely fashion. The free event will be held at the Post Road Public Library in Cumming at 6:00 p.m.
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| | This event is intended to inform public health professionals, healthcare providers, community health workers, researchers, students and community leaders of the importance of violence as a public health problem and discuss sustainable solutions to preventing violence in local communities. | | Read More | |
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| | | | The Healthcare Innovation Symposium XVI series, with hosts Emory-Georgia Tech Health Innovation Program and ACTSI presents Eugene Washington, MD, MPH, MSc, Chancellor for Health Affairs, Duke University, President and CEO, Duke University Health System. ... | | Read More | | | |
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| | | | The K-Club provides an educational forum to assist fellows and faculty. Featuring Dr. Stacy Heilman, Department of Pediatrics, along with a panel of experienced investigators. A light lunch will be provided at noon in Egleston, classrooms 5-7. Flyer | Attend Remotely ... | | Read More | | | |
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| | Subra Kugasathan, MD, Professor, Pediatrics, and Human Genetics, Emory SOM, will present a seminar sponsored by the Emory Center for Clinical and Molecular Nutrition, HERCULES, and the graduate program in Nutrition and Health Sciences at noon in SOM 153A. Snacks and coffee will be provided. | | Read More | |
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| | Leaders in the field of early childhood development will discuss the impact of poverty on health disparities; the evidence for the importance of intervening in early childhood; policy and systems-level approaches to promoting optimal early childhood development; and highlight federal efforts to reduce health disparities related to early childhood poverty. | | Read More | |
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| | Presented by Aurelian Bidulescu, MD, MPH, PhD, FAHA, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Indiana University School of Public Health at noon in Piedmont Hall, 1st Floor Auditorium 22 Piedmont Avenue. | | Read More | |
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| | | | Forge invites you to spend an afternoon in Atlanta's Tech Square to hear from the digital health startups transforming healthcare delivery as part of the inaugural Founders Forum. Hear the startups pitch to an audience of investors, CIOs, and industry partners, followed by an opportunity to meet the founders and network. Are you a digital health startup wishing to present at the poster session? Are you an accredited angel investor, venture partner, or represent a partner working with Forge or our startups? | | Read More | |
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| | The goals of the session are initial understanding of what Reproducible Research practices are and why they are important; initial understanding of RMarkdown and how to use it to create HTML, PDF, or Microsoft Word formatted reports and initial understanding of ¿cloud-based¿ repositories for interacting with and storing data, statistical results, and associated documentation. | | Read More | |
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| | Hosted by Georgia Bio at the Hotel Indigo in Athens, GA. | | Read More | |
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| | | | ACTSI and Georgia Bio organize the conference annually to provide critical information on how academia and industry can work together to translate science into discovery and engage communities in clinical research efforts and outcomes. This year's event will explore Georgia's biotechnology climate, venture capital innovation, and feature an expert panel highlighting commercialization training options throughout the state. | | Read More | | | |
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| | To bring researchers together who are interested in regenerative medicine to learn about the diverse research being conducted in Georgia and build community and collaborations. Submit a poster. | | Complimentary Registration | |
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| | | | Grant writing Coaching Group at Morehouse School of Medicine kicks off on May 18. Applications for mentees and coaches-in-training are now being accepted through March 2016. Postdocs and junior faculty developing an NIH or NIH-style research grant proposal and senior faculty wishing to apply as a coach-in-training should apply now. | | Read More | |
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| For more information on ACTSI, please visit Do you have news, seminars, or events of interest to clinical and translational researchers? Send them to by noon on Thursday. To suggest subscribers or unsubscribe to the listserv please email
Please include the following citation in any publications resulting from direct or indirect ACTSI support, "Supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UL1TR000454. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health." KL2 Scholars should also list KL2 TR000455 and TL1 Trainees should also list TL1 TR000456. |
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