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| |  |  ACTSI Weekly eRoundup
May 27, 2016
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| | | | Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs. Early recognition of sepsis is necessary in order to initiate timely, life-saving treatment. With this in mind, Carmen Polito, MD, MSc, an Atlanta Clinical & Translational Science Institute (ACTSI) investigator, graduate of the ACTSI Master of Science in Clinical Research (MSCR) program, and assistant professor of ... | | Read More | |
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| | | | Fundamental concepts for clinical research professionals held in the Emory University Hospital Annex, room 240 and covering new topics such as IND/IDE application and a panel discussion on the Informed Consent Process. Register Now! ... | | Read More | | | |
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| | The NIH is pleased to work with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to announce a third round of the Growth Accelerator Fund competition. In 2016, winners of the contest will receive $50,000 prizes to support their accelerator. Funding will be available to support new and existing life science and health focused incubators with an SBIR/STTR focus. Special consideration will be given to accelerators that support women-owned and/or minority-owned small businesses. | | Read More | |
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| | The program provides funding for innovative science in both basic and clinical neuroscience. This funding mechanism is designed to support creative, exploratory, cutting-edge research in well-established research laboratories, under the direction of established investigators. The objective of the SIA is to support projects that may be too innovative and speculative for traditional funding sources but still have a high likelihood of producing important findings. | | Read More | |
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| | Pathway seeks exceptional nominees from a broad range of disciplines, including medicine, biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics. The association encourages nomination of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including minorities that are underrepresented in research. For the purposes of this program, underrepresented minorities are defined as individuals of African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaskan-native, and native-Hawaiian or other Pacific-Islander descent. | | Read More | |
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| | To support highly promising beginning scientists in cardiovascular and stroke research between their initial research training and their complete independence. Applications may involve basic, clinical, and population research broadly related to cardiovascular disease and stroke. Proposals are encouraged from all basic, behavioral, epidemiological, community, and clinical investigations that bear on cardiovascular and stroke problems. | | Read More | |
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| | To encourage early investigators with supportive mentoring relationships to conduct introductory pilot studies that will guide future strategies for reducing cardiovascular disease and stroke. AHA supports research broadly related to cardiovascular function and disease and stroke. | | Read More | |
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| | This FOA solicits innovative and collaborative research focused on understanding the structure and function of proteins or protein complexes regulated by different AD genetic variants that have been identified to be associated with the sporadic and late onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). A R21 is also available. | | Read More | |
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| | The goal of the FOA is to provide support for early-stage physician-scientists, trained in medical or surgical specialties, to launch careers as future leaders in research on aging or in geriatrics. To achieve this goal, the FOA provides small grants to conduct transdisciplinary research on aging or in geriatrics research that will yield pilot data for subsequent aging- or geriatrics-focused research projects. | | Read More | |
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| | In collaboration with the AAMC's GREAT and GRAND groups, the award will highlight innovations in PhD, MD-PhD, and postdoctoral educational and training or early career development that enhance the institutional research mission. | | Read More | |
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| | The Pew Scholars in the Biomedical Sciences program is intended to support young investigators with outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The program awards grants to selected academic institutions to support the independent research of outstanding individuals who are in the first few years of their appointment at the assistant professor level. | | Read More | |
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| | | | Emory's Office of Technology Transfer, along with the Georgia CTSA, offers the Kauffman FastTrac TechVenture entrepreneur training course again in 2018. This is a six full-day course (over seven weeks) designed to train faculty entrepreneurs who plan to create a start-up company to commercialize their inventions. The course has been conducted at Emory seven times since 2012 and it was well received by faculty participants. All faculty members at ... | | Read More | | | |
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| | Purdue University is pleased to announce this NIH-funded workshop in West Lafayette, IN. The workshop will focus on providing biomedical researchers inexperienced in biomedical big data science with entry level training in big data science. The format includes problem-based activities to build familiarity and basic competency with established tools and publicly available resources, and formal lectures on various topics important for big data science. The course is open to faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students. | | Read More | |
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| | The funding supports initiatives in internationalization. The aim is to foster international partnerships in research, teaching and learning, capacity building, and other areas with high profile partners in priority regions. | | Read More | |
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| | Authorship: The Tyrannical Principal Investigator | | Read More | |
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| | | | If you have a research ethics question or are pondering a research ethics dilemma, John Banja, Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, Emory, and Rebecca Pentz, Professor of Research Ethics in Hematology and Oncology, Winship, are available to confidentially discuss it and offer non-binding advice. Please call or email John at 404-712-4804/ or call or text Becky at 404-831-1758. | | Read More | |
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| | Emory is collecting blood from healthy adults for basic science studies. Scientists working in the Emory Children's Center will use it to study how the immune system works, how infections develop, and how vaccines and medicines can prevent and treat illnesses. This is a blood draw study only; no drugs will be given, and you will not be exposed to infectious diseases. Each visit will take about 15 minutes and will occur in the Emory Children's Center. You can participate a single time, or more often if you would like. Participants will be reimbursed $25 per visit. | | Contact | |
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| | AIDS Education & Training Center (AETC) presents the event and Morehouse School of Medicine. CME credit available. Pre-Registration required. Participants are encouraged to arrive early and enjoy a light dinner and networking session. Contact: Sean McIntosh 404-756-1359 | | Read More | |
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| | The Emory University Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program is currently seeking people with depression for a research study. The purpose of this research study is to evaluate an omega-3 fatty acid supplement, in comparison to a placebo. If you are currently overweight and depressed, you may qualify for participation. All involvement is confidential and compensation may be provided for your time and travel if you qualify. The study duration is 12 weeks. | | Read More | |
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| | This webinar will be presented by Edward Miech, EdD and highlight findings from a just-completed systematic review of over 140 articles on champions in healthcare-related implementation published from 1980 through 2014. This systematic review brings greater clarity to an important construct in implementation science that has seen a sharp increase in the number of published articles in recent years, and features new and original cross-article findings about champions in addition to summarizing and synthesizing prior work. | | Read More | |
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| | Do you have an interesting life science technology that should become a product? Are you interested in learning how you can help make that happen? If so, then the Bench to Business Workshop Series, presented by the Georgia Bio Commercialization Committee and the Emerging Leaders Network, offers you a pragmatic, interactive, and fun experience to provide you with insight you need to commercialize your discovery or invention. Bench to Business is a series of seven workshops, led by select experts who guide you through the real-life challenges of commercializing your technology. These are open for free to Georgia Bio core industry members, and students, staff and faculty of academic and research member institutions. | | Read More | | | |
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| | From basic to complex, the panelists Katherine Garrett, MPH, CCRC, ELS, Aflac Regulatory Team Lead;
Sarah Marie Huban, MA, CIP, CHRC, Manager HPP & Research Regulatory Affairs, CHOA; Margo Kamel, PhD, CHES, CCRC, Clinical Research Coordinator IV, Emory DOP; and Shara Karlbach, WHNP-BC, CIP, QA and Education Consultant, Emory IRB will answer and discuss your regulatory issues.
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| | | | iADAPT 2.0 Project: Chronic Disease Education Train-the-Trainer Sessions for Community Health Workers, three-day classes accept up to 25 participants. Contact Dr. Pamela Daniels at 404-756-5714 or for more information. | | Read More | |
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| | The 123rd Annual Georgia State Medical Association Annual Meeting located in Hilton Head, SC. | | Read More | |
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| | The Pediatric Research Centers with partners at Emory, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Georgia Tech, and Morehouse School of Medicine are pleased to announce the annual conference at the Georgia Aquarium.
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Please include the following citation in any publications resulting from direct or indirect ACTSI support, "Supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UL1TR000454. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health." KL2 Scholars should also list KL2 TR000455 and TL1 Trainees should also list TL1 TR000456. |
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