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| |  |  ACTSI Weekly eRoundup
August 19, 2016
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| | | | The CDC I-Catalyst program helps student, postdoc, investigator, clinician, and business mentor teams transform ideas into solutions using a structured and guided customer/stakeholder discovery process. The program combines in-class lectures with out-of-class learning and interactions with stakeholders. Teams will receive methodological coaching and guidance from VentureLab, ACTSI, and CDC instructors as they discover what it takes to build solutions ... | | Read More | |
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| | | | ACTSI's Biostatistics, Epidemiology, & Research Design (BERD) program and a statistics research group directed by ISyE/BME professor Brani Vidakovic offers free consulting for data-analysis questions in the domain of bio-related initiatives on the Georgia Tech campus every Tuesday from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. in the Petit Institute conference room 3316. The group will provide assistance and statistical advice for external grant applications, model/methodology ... | | Read More | |
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| | Provides a one-year grant to support research related to a rare disease represented in the 2016 Million Dollar Bike Ride. | | Read More | |
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| | The RISK program is particularly designed to encourage the submission of projects that are considered too risky, premature, controversial, or unconventional for other NIH mechanisms. The RISK program intends to support disease-focused translational studies, up to, but not including, first in human studies. | | Read More | |
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| | This FOA announces the availability of support for collaborative research by multi-disciplinary teams which is of high priority to NIDA and leads to synergistic outcomes based on the synthesis of multiple research approaches. | | Read More | |
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| | The purpose of this Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative is to encourage applications that will develop and validate novel tools to facilitate the detailed analysis of complex circuits and provide insights into cellular interactions that underlie brain function. | | Read More | |
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| | The FOA will support research that tests evidence-based implementation strategies that can accelerate regional and national scale-up of hypertension interventions and support high priority locally-driven late-stage (T4) implementation research. | | Read More | |
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| | The NIH SOBC Common Fund Program announces the availability of administrative supplements to support research that informs the foundation of an experimental medicine approach to behavior change. The SOBC program seeks to accelerate investigations of common mechanisms of behavior change applicable across a broad range of health behaviors, including medical regimen adherence. | | Read More | |
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| | Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) aims to enhance the capacity for genomics and environmental health research, in Africa by African scientists, and to understand the genetic and environmental factors that determine disease susceptibility. H3Africa is currently soliciting applications for seven different RFAs. | | Read More | |
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| | The VentureLab offers access grant programs to help businesses explore and develop the commercial potential of research projects. Grant programs include the National Science Foundation I-Corp program and funding support from the Georgia Research Alliance. | | Read More | |
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| | The involvement of small businesses in translational aging research could substantially hasten the pace at which scientific advances are transformed into commercial products to improve or maintain the health and functional independence of older adults. Therefore, this FOA is intended to encourage a greater involvement by small businesses through the SBIR mechanism in transforming scientific advances in aging research into novel devices, products, health care practices and programs that will benefit the lives of older adults. | | Read More | |
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| | Through this program, eligible institutions will establish partnerships with research intensive institutions with prominence in biomedical big data research to design collaborations to implement novel approaches of data science education that emphasize research experiences and curriculum development at the eligible institution. | | Read More | |
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| | AAUW American Fellowships support women scholars who are completing dissertations, planning research leave from accredited institutions, or preparing research for publication. | | Read More | |
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| | The over-arching goal of this BD2K R25 program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation's biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs. | | Read More | |
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| | If you have a research ethics question or are pondering a research ethics dilemma, John Banja, Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, Emory, and Rebecca Pentz, Professor of Research Ethics in Hematology and Oncology, Winship, are available to confidentially discuss it and offer non-binding advice. Please call or email John at 404-712-4804/ or call or text Becky at 404-831-1758. | | Read More | |
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| | If you have one or more children and you were a primary caregiver for each child from birth please consider participating in this anonymous, 5-minute survey. | | Read More | |
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| | The Vaccine Clinic at Emory Children's Center is working to learn more about the normal immune response in children to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). They are looking for healthy children to join the study. Children who participate will have one appointment at Emory Children's Center where about 2.5 teaspoons of blood will be collected. Parents will be compensated $50 for the clinic visit. | | E-mail | |
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| | R-CENTER Study Design, Biostatistics, & Data Management (SDBDM) Core presents Statistics Fridays, a free weekly walk-in statistical consulting clinic from 10:00 a.m.-Noon for faculty, staff, and students providing 20 minutes immediate assistance for basic statistics questions, without scheduling a formal consultation. | | Read More | |
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| | Presented by Marshall Plaut, MD, Chief, Food Allergy, Atopic Dermatitis and Allergic Mechanisms Section, Allergy, Asthma and Airway Biology Branch, DAIT, NIAID, Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. | | Flyer | |
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| | Presented by the South Big Date Hub, an industry-academia workshop held at Georgia Tech from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. | | Read More | |
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| | Effective project management is critical to the successful execution of life sciences projects. During this webinar Gretchen Stup will provide an introduction to the Project Management Life Cycle, and present an overview of proven project management tools and methodologies that can be implemented in your organization. | | Learn more and register for this event | |
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| | Join Georgia Bio for the fourth session in the Bench to Business: A Commercialization Workshop Series. This free workshop is a practical, hands-on workshop series focused on the challenge of commercializing bioscience technologies. | | Click here for more information | |
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| | Hosted by the Morehouse School of Medicine Library at 2:00 p.m. | | Read More | |
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| | Morehouse School of Medicine's RCMI Translational Research Network's (RTRN) Research Implementation invites you to a webinar featuring Susan Rogers, RPh. | | Read More | |
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| | NCATS Director Christopher P. Austin, MD, and Stephen C. Groft, PharmD, former director of NCATS' Office of Rare Diseases Research, are scheduled to participate. The event features a poster session, discussion groups, and presentation topics on global policies, diagnostics, access to treatment, rare disease research and funding, congenital malformations, improved quality of life, and support for patient organizations. | | Website | |
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| | This is the 3rd annual student-led symposium sponsored by the Emory-Georgia Tech Healthcare Innovation Program (HIP) and ACTSI. The event will be held in the Emory University School of Medicine, Room 110. The symposium will feature student presenters from various health-related disciplines. ... | | Read More | |
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| | This will be a half-day event starting at 1:00 pm and culminating with a networking reception in the early evening. More details coming soon. Medtech Women@SEMDA (Southeastern Medical Device Association) is a group dedicated to enhancing opportunities for women in the medtech industry. The group's founding Advisory Board represents an impressive group of women from industry, medicine, and academia that are passionate about supporting women at all levels in their careers. | | Read More | |
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| | Edward Mocarski, PhD, ACTSI investigator and Robert W. Woodruff Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Emory University Vaccine Center, Emory University School of Medicine
Emory News Center | Transformative award from NIH supports research on malleable cells
October 7, 2015
Lab Land | Transformative awards for Mocarski’s malleable cells, lung fibrosis
October 7, 2015
Lab Land | Explainer: oncolytic viruses
February 16, 2015
Lab Land ... | | Read More | |
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| For more information on ACTSI, please visit Do you have news, seminars, or events of interest to clinical and translational researchers? Send them to by noon on Thursday. To suggest subscribers or unsubscribe to the listserv please email
Please include the following citation in any publications resulting from direct or indirect ACTSI support, "Supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UL1TR000454. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health." KL2 Scholars should also list KL2 TR000455 and TL1 Trainees should also list TL1 TR000456. |
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