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| |  |  ACTSI Weekly eRoundup
October 14, 2016
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| | | | The awards follow a recent scientific paper by McKay, Ting, and collaborator Madeleine Hackney, PhD, research health scientist at the Atlanta VA Center for Visual and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation and assistant professor (research) in the division of general medicine/geriatrics at Emory. The paper describes changes in mechanisms of balance control in individuals with Parkinson's disease after dance-based rehabilitation. | | Read More | |
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| | This is a three-year basic science award that provides young scientists with support for their research to bridge the gap between completion of research training and attainment of status as an independent research scientist. | | Learn More | |
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| | The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support high quality and impactful conferences/scientific meetings that are convened by data science related organizations whose missions focus on biomedical data science. | | RFA-CA-16-020 | |
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| | In anticipation of the February 12, 2017 deadline for the NIG K Career Development Award for new proposals, all postdocs, instructors, assistant professors (and equivalent) are invited to join Dr. Janet Gross for a free, no-credit, two-class tutorial on NIH K, VA CDA, and other career development awards. | | Learn More | |
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| | Research faculty, coordinators, staff, students, administrators and community based organizations involved in research are invited to attend IRB Education Day at MSM. Attendees will learn criteria used to approve human subjects research, what adverse events must be reported to the IRB, and how to navigate IRBNet, MSM's electronic submissions system. | | Learn More | |
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| | The purpose of this award is to support outstanding scientific training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates with outstanding mentors. | | PAR-16-458 | |
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| | This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) invites applications for mentored career enhancement (K18) awards in research areas that are highly relevant to the NIH BRAIN Initiative. This career enhancement program will support development of research capability for the BRAIN Initiative, with specific emphasis on cross-training independent investigators in a substantively different area of neuroscience, neuroethics, or in a quantitative and physical discipline. | | RFA-DA-17-022 | |
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| | Whether or not you¿ve considered launching a startup before today, a new program based on the NSF¿s Innovation Corps model is launching at Georgia Tech that you should consider. This Regional I-Corps cohort hosted at Georgia Tech will push teams to get to know their customer before building a product. This program can qualify non-NSF-funded teams for the national NSF I-Corps program, which comes with a $50,000 grant. You do not need NSF funding lineage to participate. | | Learn More | |
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| | Throughout the month of November, take some time to Refresh From Stress! This 30-Day Inspiration is an exciting opportunity for you to engage in 30 simple steps to enhance your emotional health. In November, you will complete a variety of suggested activities that will help you increase your resilience -- activities will focus on self-care, mindfulness, social connections, gratitude and other inspirations. | | Learn More | |
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| | Community engagement fosters health changes. For 21 days, receive easy-to-follow meals, daily messages, and more, including in-person events. | | Learn More | |
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| | This will feature a panel discussion on diversity with representation from Morehouse School of Medicine faculty, staff and students. | | Learn More | |
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| | John Williams, M.D. - University of Pittsburgh & Julie Waterbury, Ph.D. - Merck, present. | | Learn More | |
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| | This will be an opportunity to discuss NIA's strategic directions for research on aging, learn more about research and training opportunities, and forge collaborations with investigators in the region who are conducting research on aging. | | Learn More | |
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| | This will be an opportunity to discuss NIA¿s strategic directions for research on aging, learn more about research and training opportunities, and forge collaborations with investigators in the region who are conducting research on aging. | | Learn More | |
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| | A free weekly walk-in statistical consulting clinic for faculty, staff, and students. 20 minutes immediate assistance for basic statistics questions, without a formal consultation. | | Learn More | |
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| | Georgia Tech will host a two-day series of conversations and scholarly workshops designed to connect scientists and liberal arts scholars from across the campus, city, and country with the stirring possibilities and consequences of humanity's shared endeavor to understand its origins, its station, and its future. | | Learn More | |
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| | Roberto Pacifici, MD (Herndon Professor, Medicine, Emory SOM) will present a seminar sponsored by the Emory Center for Clinical and Molecular Nutrition, HERCULES, and the graduate program in Nutrition and Health Sciences entitled "Microbiota and probiotics: Novel bone regulators." Snacks and coffee will be provided. | | Learn More | |
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| | A new study has found the disparity between breast cancer death rates for black and white women in Atlanta is greater than in any other major U.S. city. Come learn more about advances in cancer research for the Atlanta community. | | Learn More | |
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| | Learn More about ACTSI's Research Technologies program and the resulting biomedical innovations. | | Learn More | |
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| For more information on ACTSI, please visit Do you have news, seminars, or events of interest to clinical and translational researchers? Send them to by noon on Thursday. To suggest subscribers or unsubscribe to the listserv please email
Please include the following citation in any publications resulting from direct or indirect ACTSI support, "Supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UL1TR000454. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health." KL2 Scholars should also list KL2 TR000455 and TL1 Trainees should also list TL1 TR000456. |
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