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| |  |  ACTSI Weekly eRoundup
July 21, 2017
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| | | | The CTRU announces an opportunity for FY18 funding (up to $40,000) to support pilot studies based in the University of Georgia CTRU. | | Read More | |
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| | This FOA invites applications to design and implement research infrastructure that will enable the monitoring of cognitive abilities and age, state, context, or health condition-related changes in cognitive abilities on mobile devices. | | Read More | |
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| | The purpose of this initiative is to support Phase 2 clinical trials to develop and test strategies to increase the utilization of cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) and pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in eligible patients. | | Read More | |
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| | The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2018 Jefferson Science Fellowship program. The fellowship is open to tenured, or similarly ranked, academic scientists, engineers, and physicians from U.S. institutions of higher learning. | | Read More | |
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| | The purpose of this FOA is to support investigators performing research to identify the barriers and facilitators to implementation of an evidence-based practice(s) for heart, lung, blood, and sleep (HLBS) diseases in the inpatient setting. NHLBI is seeking applications that will utilize an implementation research framework to develop an implementation strategy (or strategies) to be tested during a subsequent hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial. | | Read More | |
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| | This FOA invites R01 applications that propose to study the ELSI of human genome research. Proposed approaches may include but are not limited to data-generating qualitative and quantitative approaches, legal, economic and normative analyses, and other types of analytical and conceptual research methodologies, such as those involving the direct engagement of stakeholders. | | Read More | |
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| | This FOA encourages applications that propose to conduct secondary analyses of publicly available NICHD-funded data sets or stored biospecimens. The goal of this program is to facilitate innovative yet cost-effective research utilizing data and biospecimens collected with NICHD resources. | | Read More | |
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| | The Gerber Foundation is accepting concept papers for health and/or nutrition-related research projects with the potential to have a significant impact on issues facing infants and young children from birth to three years of age. | | Read More | |
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| | The NIH Commons Credits Model is a time- and cost-efficient way for NIH-funded biomedical investigators to gain cloud computing support for their current research as well as pave the way toward better accessibility, interoperability, and reuse of digital objects for future research. This is not a grant; this funding is recommended to supplement current NIH grants or to jump start a related grant in the biomedical space. | | Read More | |
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| | | | Faculty and postdocs are welcome to enroll in a fall semester course which is part of the curriculum in the Georgia CTSA’s Certificate Program in Translational Research in the Laney Graduate School. Tuition awards are not available, but faculty and postdocs at Emory may be eligible for the Emory Courtesy Scholarship if employed at least one year. This is a semester-long course which meets on Mondays from 3:00-4:50 p.m. from September 10 until ... | | Read More | |
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| | | | Faculty and postdocs are welcome to enroll in a fall semester course which is part of the curriculum in the Georgia CTSA’s Master of Science in Clinical Research degree program in the Laney Graduate School. Tuition awards are not available, but Emory faculty and postdocs may be eligible for the Emory Courtesy Scholarship which would cover tuition for the course. This is a semester-long course which meets on Thursdays, from 10:00 to 11:50 am. ... | | Read More | |
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| | | | Georgia Tech's Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design Course is accepting proposals for the spring 2018 semester. The course will dedicate a student team to solve a relevant healthcare issue that you have identified, or help develop your idea. Students work in teams to design, build, and test prototypes with real world applications. The Capstone Design courses provide students the opportunity to work with real-world, open-ended, interdisciplinary ... | | Read More | |
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| | This seed grant competition is an opportunity for the scientific and business community including entrepreneurs, clinicians, scientists, businesses, academic researchers and medical and engineering graduate and undergraduate students, to develop and commercialize a pediatric medical device. The proposal should be directed towards development of a commercializable product, not research of a scientific concept. | | Read More | |
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| | With a 4% Atlanta-based soft drink giant, Coca-Cola, just announced The Bridge, a six-month commercialization program to develop early-stage partnerships. | | Read More | |
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| | Please join Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) in appreciating current community health workers and welcoming a new generation of Community Health Workers. During the summer of 2016, MSM piloted an innovative High School Community Health Worker (HS CHW) Training Program. This year, there are 25 HS CHW students from six local high schools. To date, MSM has trained more than 350 CHWs to work in a variety of settings and in many health care areas. | | Read More | |
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| | | | The 3rd Annual ACTSI-Community Engagement Research Program Community Health Matters Forum provided participants with the tools necessary to develop and sustain successful and mutually beneficial community-university translational research partnerships to improve population health in metro Atlanta and beyond. ... | | Read More | |
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| | The Emory Child Study Center is currently seeking families with children from infancy through 17 years old to participate in child development research studies. You and your child are invited to participate in engaging and active research studies on child development. The center studies language, learning, memory, and how children understand space and numbers. Most studies last between 15 minutes and one hour. You will interact with your child during the study and can observe the study sessions. Studies are designed like games so they are enjoyable for the children. Parking is free and convenient and compensation is provided. | | Read More | |
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| | Sign up to get an overview of the SMART IRB Exchange Portal, which can be used by any institution with an FWA to initiate IRB reliance for a given study, document ongoing IRB approvals for the study, promote transparency, and facilitate communication between investigators and IRBs. | | Read More | |
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| | | | Dr. Gary Gibbons, Director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will serve as the plenary speaker. Other content during the full-day conference will include Demographics, Disparities, and Data in Cardiovascular Health; Predictive Health Data Science: Big Data Science for Longitudinal Health Monitoring; High Performance Clinical Informatics: Embedding Data Science within Healthcare Systems; ... | | Read More | |
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| | The Georgia CTSA Clinical Research Centers (GCRCs) and Emory Medical Laboratory announce a new course for Emory University and Healthcare employees. The two-day course will be held on August 18 and 25. Thereafter, students will be assigned to clinical areas for hands-on training and competency validation. Contact: ... | | Read More | |
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| | Larry Hawk, PhD presents a webinar that will highlight key elements and products from a recent workshop, which brought together 50+ clinical investigators, engagement specialists, and others from seven CTSA hubs, as well as industry and NIH. The facilitated workshop took a deliberate creativity approach, interleaving keynote talks (advancing the state-of-the-science, the role of basic behavioral science, and opportunities in the TIN and RIC), brief perspectives and approaches (e.g., a tele-consent approach available to the CTSA network; ResearchMatch as a testbed), and iterative rounds of table discussions and group feedback to foster advances in recruitment and recruitment science.
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| | Registration is open. Join the Southeastern Medical Device Association for a half-day conference to develop your leadership and grow your network. Although the conference is dedicated to advancing opportunities for women in medtech, this is not an event just for women. There will be something for everyone. | | Read More | |
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To improve human health, scientific discoveries must be translated into practical applications. Such discoveries typically begin at "the bench" with basic research, in which scientists study disease at a molecular or cellular level and then progress to the clinical level, or the patient's bedside. The conference will include state-of-the-art topics in clinical and translational science as well as opportunities for attendees to showcase their research ... | | Read More | |
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| | Registration is now open. CFAR at Emory, Emory Center for Health in Aging, and the Emory School of Nursing is hosting the conference which includes a competitive, pre-conference Mentoring Workshop for early-career investigators and poster session. Abstracts are due on August 11. | | Read More | |
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| | The association is accepting abstract submissions dealing with medical education, biomedical research, clinical care, and preventive medicine. Awards are up to $1,000 based upon NIH travel requirements. | | Read More | |
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Please include the following citation in any publications resulting from direct or indirect ACTSI support, "Supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UL1TR000454. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health." KL2 Scholars should also list KL2 TR000455 and TL1 Trainees should also list TL1 TR000456. |
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