Georgia CTSA Newsletter
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Georgia CTSA Weekly eRoundup
December 22, 2017
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|  | | Day One: Attendees are invited to learn more about the Georgia CTSA services and ways the alliance accelerates clinical and translational science in Georgia and beyond. Georgia CTSA education, clinical research support, collaboration and coordination, community engagement, evaluation and quality, expert assistance, and pilot grant services will be presented, with a focused session on translation services and an evening networking reception. Day Two: ... | | Read More | |
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| | | | This position will manage the Georgia CTSA Coordinating Center (Job Requisition ID: 79246BR) which will serve as the “front door” triage for all Georgia CTSA customer service requests across Emory University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Georgia. ... | | Read More | |
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| | | | Emory's University Research Committee announces the annual Call for Proposals for the 2018-2019 funding cycle in the following categories: Regular URC, URC-Georgia CTSA (Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance), and URC-Halle Institute for Global Research and Learning International Research Awards. Applications are welcome from all regular, full-time Emory faculty members, regardless of rank. ... | | Read More | |
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| | These awards will provide one year of support for up to $70,000 in direct costs. Although the awards are open to all investigators, the NIH Office of Research Infrastructure guidelines require the direct involvement of a Yerkes Core Scientist. Applications from early career investigators and applications that propose translational research projects are encouraged. | | Read More | |
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| | This program will provide a coordinated platform for multidisciplinary interactions between basic and clinical scientists with the overall goal of understanding the etiology and development of benign urologic diseases and disorders, and providing a collaborative venue to design better treatments, diagnostics, and prevention strategies for these disease conditions within the NIDDK mission interests. | | Read More | |
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| | This FOA supports applications to develop and implement a Clinical Coordinating Center for investigator-initiated multi-site clinical trials (Phase II and beyond). Trials for which this FOA applies must be relevant to the research mission of the NHLBI and meet the NIH definition of a clinical trial (see NOT-OD-15-015). Data coordinating center funding also available. | | Read More | |
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| | The goal for EBRG is to foster the exploration and development of innovative technologies, models, techniques, designs, and/or methods with potential to substantially advance biomedical research by use of principles and concepts of quantitative sciences to transform our understanding of biological, clinical or translational science. | | Read More | |
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| | The purpose of this initiative is to support research to determine the underlying mechanisms of how HIV related co-morbidities may influence the complexity of HIV/AIDS disease progression, quality of life and overall health outcomes among HIV positive individuals from health disparity populations. | | Read More | |
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| | | | Faculty and postdocs are welcome to enroll in a spring semester course which is part of the curriculum in the Certificate Program in Translational Research in the Laney Graduate School. Tuition awards are not available, but faculty and postdocs at Emory may be eligible for the Emory Courtesy Scholarship if employed at least one year. This is a semester-long course which meets on Tuesdays from 1:00-2:50 p.m. from January until early May. ... | | Read More | |
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| | The program is designed to identify and nurture the careers of promising educational innovators in medicine and nursing. With support from the Macy Foundation, scholars will implement new educational innovations at their home institutions and participate in career development activities that prepare them for leadership roles. | | Read More | |
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| | | | The Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance, the NIH-supported Clinical and Translational Science Award, TL1 program is focused on providing innovative didactic and mentored research training to individuals interested in careers that encompass clinical and/or translational research. The TL1 program supports didactic and mentored research training and provides an opportunity to complete the Master of Science in Clinical Research (MSCR) p ... | | Read More | |
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| | | | The goal of the Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance, the NIH-funded Clinical and Translational Science Award, KL2 Scholars program is to support and enhance career development for junior faculty (MD, PhD, MD/PhD, or PharmD) committed to a career in clinical and/or translational research. The program is committed to assisting junior faculty at the Georgia CTSA partner institutions to become independent, established, and ethical clinical ... | | Read More | |
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| | | | The Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance, the NIH-supported Clinical and Translational Science Award, TL1 program is focused on providing innovative didactic and mentored research training to individuals interested in careers that encompass clinical and/or translational research. The TL1 program supports didactic and mentored research training and provides an opportunity to complete the Master of Science in Clinical Research (MSCR) p ... | | Read More | |
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| | Participant Recruitment: Making it Harder to Say No | | Read More | |
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| | The program is designed to identify outstanding early-stage inventors who harness science and technology solutions to enhance scientific research, strengthen environmental conservation, or improve the experience and outcomes of patient care. | | Read More | |
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| | The purpose of this FOA is to encourage applications to pursue translational activities and small clinical studies to advance the development of therapeutic, and diagnostic devices for disorders that affect the nervous or neuromuscular systems. | | Read More | |
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| | The Vaccine Clinic at Emory Children's Center is conducting a research study to determine how the immune system responds to varicella (Chicken pox) vaccine. Healthy children, ages 12-15 months who have not received VARIVAX, and 4-6 years who have received a single dose of VARIVAX, are needed. The clinic will compensate the parents of each participant $50 for clinic visits and $75 for vaccine visit. | | Contact | |
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| | | | The K-Club provides an educational forum to assist fellows and faculty. Facilitated by Stacy Heilman, PhD, Assistant Professor, Director, Pediatric Research Operations, Emory University Department of Pediatrics & Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and presented by Lakshmanan Krishnamurti, MD, Assistant Professor, Director, Pediatric Research Operations, Emory University Department of Pediatrics & Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
A light ... | | Read More | |
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| | Learn about shared resources and core facilities available to support your research from across the state. Collaborate with other cores in your state and provide your thoughts on what we can do to work together. | | Read More | |
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| | Community engagement is vital to the mission of NCATS in improving health outcomes for all. The Recruitment, retention, and community engagement core of the University of Illinois at Chicago's Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences has established a long-standing Community Engagement Advisory Board (CEAB) as a free consultation service to faculty, students, and community agencies. The purpose of this webinar is to describe the role of CEAB boards in facilitating clinical and translational science, discuss best practices in the formation and development of CEABs, identity strategies for building skills and capacity among CEAB members, and offer methods for evaluating the contributions of CEABs to research teams. | | Read More | |
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| | This bootcamp is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the major components involved in clinical research, including the development of sound research protocols, maintaining compliance and high ethical standards, and the successful planning of a productive research career. Agenda and registration will be available soon. The event will be held from 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in Emory's Woodruff Health Sciences Center Administration Building (WHSCAB) Auditorium. | |
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| | NCATS director Chris Austin, MD, and associate director for special initiatives Danilo Tagle, PhD, will discuss the center's Tissue Chip for Drug Screening program. | | Read More | |
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| | The Association for Prevention Teaching and Research annual meeting brings together the academic community to address changes, challenges, and opportunities in population and public health education. Attendees will explore innovations and strategies for teaching population health. | | Read More | |
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| For more information on Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance (Georgia CTSA), please visit Do you have news, seminars, or events of interest to clinical and translational researchers? Send them to by noon on Thursday. To suggest subscribers or unsubscribe to the listserv please email
Please include the following citation in any publications resulting from direct or indirect Georgia CTSA support, "Supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UL1TR002378. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health." KL2 Scholars should also list KL2TR002381 and TL1 Trainees should also list TL1TR002382. |
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