RFA: 2015 Dissemination Micro Grant Program-Due February 16
The objective of the Community Engagement Research Program (CERP) Dissemination Micro Grant Program is to increase awareness of research findings from community-engaged research through the provision of small but crucial resources for activities designed to support Community-based Organization (CBO)-prioritized, one-time events or products to disseminate research findings. Applicants must clearly demonstrate an existing academic/community partnership that has relevant existing data to disseminate to the community. Examples of fundable dissemination activities include: small forums, developing and distributing print materials, conference presentations, or podcast development.
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New Technology Investment Program-Due February 27
KY Cha Award in Stem Cell Technology-Due March 2
The purpose of this award is to provide start-up funds to initiate an innovative research project in regenerative medicine and stem cell technology.
Neuroscience Investigator Awards-Due March 18
NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for Innovator awards in neuroscience. Applicants are encouraged in the fundamental areas of developmental, cellular, cognitive and behavioral neuroscience, broadly interpreted. Applicants need not be working in areas related to stem cells.
Innovator Awards for Early Career Investigators in Translational Stem Cell Research-Due March 18
NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for Innovator awards to be used for exploring the basic biology and translational potential of stem cells.
The Human Placenta Project: Developing Paradigm-Shifting Innovations for in vivo Human Placental Assessment (U34)-Due March 31
This FOA aims to support the initial stages of development of entirely new or next-generation placental imaging and assessment technologies and methods that will increase our capability to safely assess human placental structure and function in vivo throughout gestation.
Pediatric Research Center Pilot Grants-Due April 1
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta with partners at Emory, Georgia Tech, and Morehouse School of Medicine are pleased to offer an annual research pilot program that is aligned with the aims of the Pediatric Research Centers and one Pediatric Junior Faculty Award. These pilot award funds are designed to stimulate new research projects and build new collaborations in child health-related research areas.
Brain Initiative: New Concepts and Early-Stage Research for Large-Scale Recording & Modulation in the Nervous System (R21)-Due April 16
Medical Student Discovery Phase Mini-Grant Program-Due Sunday
In an effort to provide medical students the opportunity to conduct hypothesis-driven research under the direction of a faculty mentor, the ACTSI Research Technologies program has established a mini-grant program.
Request for Applications: ACTSI KL2 Clinical Research Career Development Program for Junior Faculty-Due March 2
Junior faculty members at the MD or PhD level from a wide variety of disciplines at Emory University, Morehouse School of Medicine, or Georgia Institute of Technology who are committed to an academic career in clinical and/or translational research and who have excellent potential to become independent clinical investigators are encouraged to apply. The KL2 award provides support for didactic and mentored research training for junior faculty members committed to a career in clinical investigation.
Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Partnership Academy-Due March 16
The Detroit Urban Research Center is pleased to announce a nationwide, year-long capacity building opportunity for "community-academic" teams focused on improving health equity. Question & Answer Conference Call will be held on Thursday at 2:00 p.m.
RFA: Master of Science in Clinical Research
Applications are being accepted for the MSCR degree program for classes beginning in August. The Emory MSCR is part of the Research Education, Training, and Career Development (RETCD) program of the ACTSI (NIH-funded CTSA award. The MSCR provides didactic and mentored clinical and/or translational research training. The program is designed for participants who hold a doctorate or equivalent degree (such as physicians including fellows and junior faculty and PhD-level scientists including postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty) and have demonstrated a commitment to a career in clinical investigation that incorporates clinical and/or translational research. Questions?
Apply for the Certificate Program in Translational Research (CPTR)
The CPTR is a multidisciplinary, innovative program which provides predoctoral or postdoctoral trainees with the expertise and experience to translate fundamental biomedical scientific discoveries into treatments that will benefit human health.
Atlanta Chapter of the Society of Clinical Research Associates (SoCRA) Meeting-Saturday
The Business of Regenerative Medicine: Cells at Work-July 20-22
Georgia Tech’s 8th annual course focusing on the business and economic issues associated with the field of Regenerative Medicine. Intended for business executives, financial market managers and analysts, technology transfer and development personnel, senior and junior scholars, and managers in government, academia, and business sector-involved corporations.
ACTSI's Ethical Dilemma of the Week
Research Ethics Consultations Available
If you have a research ethics question or are pondering a research ethics dilemma, John Banja, Medical Ethicist, Emory Center for Ethics, and Rebecca Pentz, Professor of Research Ethics, Winship, are available to confidentially discuss and offer non-binding advice. Call/email Banja at 404-712-4804/jbanja@emory.edu or call/text/email Pentz at 404-831-1758/rpentz@emory.edu.
K-Club: Lather, Rinse, Repeat-Focus on Research Grant Resubmissions-May 11
The K-Club provides an educational forum to assist fellows and faculty. This month, discussing proven strategies and approaches to effectively address reviewer criticisms and turn your unfunded grant application into an extramurally funded award. The meeting will be held from Noon-1:00 p.m. in Egleston, Classroom 5-7. RSVP | Attend via WebEx | Questions?
The Ethics of Mentoring-Tuesday
Presented by Dr. Charles Moran in EUH D at 11:00 a.m.
Defining Asthma with Cohort Studies & Addressing Asthma with Community & School Interventions-Wednesday
Statistical Approaches in Implementation Science-Wednesday
Presented by Donna Spiegelman, ScD, Professor of Epidemiologic Methods, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Recipient of NIH Director’s Pioneer Award. Dr. Spiegelman’s research is motivated by problems which arise in epidemiology and require biostatistical solutions. Her talk will focus on applying statistical approaches to implementation science research. Sponsored by Emory Global Diabetes Research Center, the ACTSI, and RSPH Departments of Global Health, Biostatistics, and Epidemiology.
ATDC's SBIR 101 Workshop: Understanding, Planning & Writing-Wednesday
This workshop explains how the needs of 11 federal agencies are met through the SBIR and STTR programs. The overview will cover the basics of SBIR/STTR programs, including a discussion of the phases of the grant program, how the agencies differ and what they are looking for, how to prepare before the agency solicitation comes out, and how to write competitive proposal. | ATDC to Develop Medical Device Incubator at Georgia Tech
Emory IRB Webinar: Submitting New Studies to the IRB-Thursday
The Emory IRB will deliver a concise webinar to provide an overview of the informed consent process. The presentation will highlight some essential elements of using an ICF. View webinar | Questions?
Morehouse School of Medicine Clinical Skills Center Open House-February 16
How Missions of the Academic Health Center Synergize to Improve Health: Sepsis as a Model-February 18
Presented by Thomas P. Shanley, MD, FCCM, Ferrantino Professor of Pediatrics, Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research, Director, Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research at 7:30 a.m. in Egleston, Classrooms 5-7 or by webinar.
Service Delivery: Implications for U.S. Healthcare-February 24
The 13th U.S. Healthcare: What's Broken & How to Fix It symposium is sponsored by the Emory-Georgia Tech Health Innovation Program and the ACTSI and will feature Leonard Schlesinger, DBA, MBA, Baker Foundation Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, Emeritus President, Babson College.
Immunology & ImmunoEngineering Symposium-March 2-3
Georgia Tech’s 23rd Annual Suddath Symposium features the latest developments in the fields of bioengineering and bioscience.
2nd EATRIS Conference: Building Bridges in Translational Medicine-May 27-28
This conference held in Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam will bring together key international stakeholders in translational research. Experts will present and discuss the main challenges in translational research, together with the new developments that EATRIS ERIC – the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine, part of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium – contributes to the field. NCATS Director Chris Austin, MD, will serve as one of the keynote speakers on May 28.
Science Advance: ACTSI-supported Research leads to a Potential New Option in Treating Chronic Kidney Disease

Jeanie Park, MD, ACTSI-supported investigator and assistant professor of medicine, Renal Division, Emory University and Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medicine Center, studied a possible new treatment for chronic kidney disease (CKD): tetrahydrobiopterin.
ACTSI Investigator Dr. Charles Moore in the News
A Generation at Risk: Young Investigators & the Future of the Biomedical Workforce
Take charge of your health today. Be informed. Be involved.
The Atlanta Daily World is running a New Pittsburgh Courier monthly series on health topics. This series is in partnership with the Pittsburgh CTSA’s Community PARTners. This issue's focus is Environmental Health.
FASEB Seeks Feedback on Sustaining Discovery in Biological & Medical Science
The Precision Medicine Initiative: Data-Driven Treatments as Unique as Your Own Body