Seeking Mentors: Grant Writing Consultation Program

Launching in January 2020, the Georgia CTSA Grant Wise service will offer the opportunity for one-on-one feedback from experienced senior faculty on grant writing.

As a first step, we are soliciting experienced faculty to serve as volunteer mentors. If you have experience in writing grants and you enjoy mentoring, we need you!

Program Goal:
To match junior faculty and trainees who need support in writing grants with a seasoned faculty member who can provide the needed guidance.

Volunteer Expectations:
Requests for mentoring range from developing a timeline, reviewing Specific Aims, writing and editing the text, or responding to reviewer comments.

Mentors will be paired with mentees by a member of the Collaboration & Multi-disciplinary Team Science Steering Team based on field, expertise, and interests. We anticipate that each experienced faculty volunteer will be asked to advise one junior colleague in preparing a grant no more than once a year. We do not anticipate that mentors will become collaborators, although that option exists should both parties agree. The specific time commitment and expectations for each pair will be determined and agreed upon by the requester and consultant themselves following an initial meeting. We anticipate that consultation responsibilities will be limited to the duration of the project.

If you would like to be added to our list of mentors, please complete this brief online form by December 20.

This form is only used to indicate your interest and does not commit you to anything. We will be in touch should we receive a request that matches your expertise.

Questions should be directed to  

Requests for consultations will be accepted beginning January 2020!