Integrating Special Populations
The Integrating Special Populations (ISP) program of the Georgia CTSA leads efforts toward the inclusion of special populations into clinical and translational research (CTR).
The diverse, yet complimentary, expertise of ISP leadership facilitates the study of implementing multi-level chronic disease prevention and management interventions across the lifespan; timely dissemination of evidence-based guidelines; and the application of culturally-sensitive engagement, enrollment, and retention strategies of special populations CTR. In alignment with the Georgia CTSA’s overall theme of health equity, ISP centers its work around disparities faced by urban and rural racial and ethnic minorities and African-American women of child-bearing age across the state of Georgia. Guided by dissemination and implementation science frameworks, ISP’s current research aims to study and evaluate the impact of rural faith-based multilevel chronic disease prevention and management interventions. Additionally, the function is working diligently to implement a dynamic education series for Georgia CTSA investigators endeavoring to expand or include special populations in their research.
Current Research Initiatives
ISP Webinar Series
The ISP Webinars are a quarterly series of presentations on the complexities of recruiting pregnant populations for clinical and translational research. The goal of the series is to promote the inclusion of pregnant people in clinical and translational research studies, describe methods for the appropriate conduct of studies that involve pregnant people, and identify promising practices for recruiting and retaining pregnant people in clinical research studies.
Previous Webinar Sessions:
- Recruiting Pregnant Patients for Research in the Current Georgia Legislative Climate
- Engaging Pregnant People in Clinical and Translational Research: Challenges and Opportunities
- Ethics and Research in Pregnancy
- Listening and Learning: Research with Persons Who Have Experienced a Stillbirth
ISP Roundtables
The ISP Roundtables are a bi-monthly series of webinars on maternal healthcare and maternal health disparities. The goal of webinars is to facilitate engagement and collaboration among clinical and translational research investigators with a focus on maternal health inequities.
Previous Roundtable Sessions:
- Maternal & Infant Vitamin D Recommendations: Research Gaps & Future Needs
- The Fourth Trimester and Beyond - Optimizing Postpartum Maternal Cardio-metabolic Health
- Addressing Maternal Mortality Through Cardiovascular Care
- The Role of Perinatal Psychiatry Access Programs in Advancing Mental Health Equity
- Change Happens at the Speed of Trust: Creating Circles of Care in Our Communities
- Partnering with Cooperative Extension to Engage Communities
Fishers of Men
Addressing chronic disease prevention and management in faith-based settings
The Fishers of Men research initiative was developed as an academic-community collaboration with Morehouse School of Medicine, the University of Georgia, and rural churches, to engage rural Black residents and assist potential study participants in overcoming barriers to participation in research, such as awareness and trust of research, the research team, and the healthcare system. The study aims to identify barriers, facilitators, and implementation strategies to carry out an evidenced-based, faith-based, chronic disease prevention and management intervention in rural African-American churches in Georgia.
ISP supports an NCATS-funded administrative supplement to establish a framework for Implementing a Maternal Health and PRegnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (Georgia IMPROVE), across the state. The Georgia IMPROVE initiative established a Perinatal Coalition, a consortium of women and healthcare providers to inform priorities for preventable maternal mortality, decrease severe maternal morbidity, and promote health equity.