
GCRCs Phlebotomy 101 Training

Phlebotomy 101 is a two-day introductory classroom and clinical hands-on training that teaches the techniques of venipuncture. Led by the GCRC nurses, the course is offered to Georgia-CTSA affiliated partners.

View Phlebotomy 101 Training Schedule

Registration Instructions

The cost for the training course is $628.00 paid with a valid department speedtype or via check if from one of our affiliates (Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, or Morehouse School of Medicine.)

Please read the below instructions to better understand the requirements and to determine if you are eligible for our training program. Additionally, please complete the steps below to register for the course. You will be dropped from the course if your application is incomplete.


Please register for the course in Brainier by searching Phlebotomy Training Registration and follow the instructions in the description.

Please contact for any phlebotomy-related questions and assistance.

Initial Steps (Emory University Employees Only)

  1. Must be credentialed with Emory Healthcare before enrolling in the Phlebotomy course. The first step to begin the credentialing process is to complete the Virtual Credentialing Course for Clinical Research Staff.
  2. Please work with Zee Abdulkadir ( to complete your EHC Credentialing. She is your contact for all EHC credentialing-related questions.
  3. Research credentialing offers office hours every Friday from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM via Zoom. View Zoom Meeting Information.

Additional Steps (All Learners)

  1. Must be an employee with one of our partnering institutions (Emory Healthcare, Emory University, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, or Morehouse School of Medicine.) If you do not meet this requirement, we unfortunately are not offering the course to you at this time.
  2. Must be CPR certified through the American Heart Association.*
  3. Complete the HLC training module.

*Note: You can obtain your CPR certificate from AHA Community Trainer, Derek Johnston. View his contact information and class schedule at If you have completed CPR from the Office for Clinical Research (OCR) for Emory Healthcare credentialing, we will accept their e-card.


GCRCs Team