IRBs and Administrative Offices

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects.  The charge of each IRB is to assure both in advance and by periodic review, that humans participating as research are protected. IRBs use a group review process of research protocols and related materials, including informed consent documents and investigator brochures, to ensure the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects of research.

Georgia CTSA-affiliated Institutional Review Boards

Affiliated Administrative Offices 

Research administration programs are unique activities of each academic center of the Georgia CTSA. Research administration programs are focused on streamlining the workflows of the Clinical and Translational Research process. A Studio Consultation is free upon request.

Featured Administration Resources

Office for Clinical Research (OCR)

The OCR will help you understand the operational processes of clinical trials and research.

Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)

The OSP teams handle proposals, non-industry contracts, and awards for the following: Federal Grants, Foundation Grants, Corporate Grants (to formal grant programs), Government Contracts (Federal, State, and Local).

The Office of Technology Transfer (OTT)

The OTT manages the intellectual property rights of universities and oversees industry contracts.